S3 Browser is a freeware client for Amazon S3 Service. Amazon S3 provides a simple web services interface that can be used to store and retrieve any amount of data, at any time, from anywhere on the web.
S3 Browser will help you:
* Upload and Download files to and from Amazon S3.
* Publish your Content using Amazon S3.
* Browse, Create, Delete Amazon S3 Buckets.
* Edit HTTP Headers (metadata).
* Share your Buckets with other Amazon S3 users.
* Use Buckets shared by other Amazon S3 users.
* Set Access Control on Buckets and Files.
* Keep your Files backed up on Multiple Data Centers.
Cutting edge features make it exceptional
-Support for Multiple Amazon S3 Accounts.
-Processing very large amounts of files (millions) effectively!
-Custom headers (metadata) editor.
-Support for bulk ACLs assignment (edit ACLs in Batch mode).
-Web URLs Generator.
-Support for copy/move Between amazon s3 accounts and buckets.
-Drag and Drop Support.
-Fast working multithreaded Http Engine.
-Portable version of S3 Browser is available.
-Special algorithms are used to decrease the number of requests and save you money!
Latest News! S3 Browser version 2.0.0 has been released
Added support for new bucket location - US-West (Northern California) Region.
Added support for buckets with uppercase characters.
Added support for very long path names.
Added Advanced Web URLs Generator(Time Limited URLs, CNAMEs, etc.)
Improved compatibility with other Amazon S3 Clients.
Improved HTTP Headers Editor.
Improved EventLog functionality.
Improved Keyboard Shortcuts handling.
Fixed bug in ACLs Editor.
Fixed number of minor bugs.